

Articles of Wiki-Projects can get displayed in several Wiki-Transformers. These are internet sites adapting Wiki-Articles for mobile devices. Terrapocket~Wiki uses several HTML-Transformers you can choose from. Currently TerraPocket~Wiki works with:

WikipediaPDA WikipediaPDA

http://en.m.wikipedia.org/ displays Wiki-Articles optimized for PDAs. WikipediaPDA can also display mathematical terms.
Doesn't currently support other Wiki-Projects.

Wapedia Wapedia

http://wapedia.mobi/en/ displays Wiki-Articles from a wide range of Wiki-Projects optimized for PDAs. Large articles get split into subpages.

Google Google

http://www.google.com/gwt/n Google service rendering any kind of pages.

WikipediaMobile WikipediaMobile

http://en.mobile.wikipedia.org/ prepares Wikipedia Articles for mobile phones. Doesn't currently support other Wiki-Projects. Large Articles get split into subpages.

MediaWikiMySkin MediaWikiMySkin

Articles are displayed via the projects site itself using the parameter useskin=myskin which results in a simpler layout of the page.

MediaWikiPrintable MediaWikiPrintable

Articles are displayed via the projects site itself using the parameter printable=yes. Pages displayed are optimized for printout.

MediaWiki MediaWiki

Displays the article as it is. Often hard to read on mobile devices.

MobileProxy MobileProxy

With http://www.mobile-proxy.com/hero/ any kind of pages can be displayed optimized for PDAs.

To change the order of the Wiki-Transformers go to Settings/Sites. Use the blue arrows to move the entries within the List. If your favorite Wiki-Transformer (the one on top) doesn't support a Wiki-Project, TerraPocket~Wiki uses the next one in the list to display the article.