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TerraPocket~Wiki Help

Menu Bar

Context Sensitive Help / Main Menu Question MarkTriangle up

Click Question Mark to activate Context Help.
On application pages context help is shown directly with each element. Clicking the icon Question Mark again turns the help messages off.
If you are on a browser page TerraPocket~Wiki displays context sensitve Help Pages. Click Arrow Left to go back to the browser page.
The arrow icon Triangle up to the right of the direct help icon leads to all other items on the main menu.


Here you can select the settings for TerraPocket~Wiki like preferred language, location of the local cache file and preffered Wiki~Transformer. See details here.


Ends TerraPocket~Wiki.
Latest data is written in the cache file, the web server is stopped.

On article pages the menu contains the following additional items


Reload the page from the internet. Use it to get the latest version of regulary updated articles.


Add the article to the Crawler. Downloads the complete article in the background (doesn't matter how many pages it has).


Adds the article and all linked articles to the Crawler.

Home / Browser Functions House

Click Home to select the Homepage of the application where you can search for Wiki-Articles and enter the index of the local cache. The arrow to the right of House leads to the following menu items:

Application Mode

TerraPocket~Wiki always looks for an article in the local cache first - regardless of the selected application mode. The handling of articles not available in the cache is different in these different modes:

Origin TPWiki, , , ...

Click the Origin Icon to switch back from the Crawler..
The Icon indicates the Origin of the current page.

Crawler Crawler-Globe

Click the Crawler Icon to switch to the Crawler where you see and manage all current crawler jobs.