

The crawler downloads your selected Wiki-Articles and adds it to your local cache file.

Number of Downloads

The crawler does up to 10 parallel downloads. You can control this by changing the value in the little box in the top righthand corner of the crawler screen. To change the value click in the box and drag: Select 0 to disable any downloads.


You can define parametes for every single crawler job. Use Settings/Crawler to define standard parameters.

Crawler List

In the crawler list you can see all crawler jobs with their current status.

List Icons

Using the List Icons at the top of the screen you can manage the contents of the list.
In addition the following icons are used in the crawler list:

Crawler Status

Click this Icon to pause the job - click again to resume

Download Progress

The second Icon shows the download progress of the crawler job. Click the icon to go to the Crawler Job Details .

Wiki-Transformer TransformerPDA, TransformerWapedia, ...

Shows the Wiki-Transformer used for downloading the article. Click the Icon to read the article if already downloaded or if you have currently web access (in this case it gets downloaded immediately).

Wiki-Project Wikipedia, Wiktionary, ...

Displays the origin of the Wiki-Project.


Displays title and language.
The namespace is also shown if the article is not part of the common namespace e.g. "category".

Related DownloadsArrow right

A blue arrow on the right of the line points to related downloads such as images, following pages, support files (css, java script) and linked articles if the crawler-option +1 is used
The list maintains automatically - failing downloads stay in the list - you can try a new download by clicking Refresh